Les nouvelles – 3-7 février, 2014

She's part of the answer to question 2. Photo credit: Flickr user VancityAllie via cc

She’s part of the answer to question 2. Photo credit: Flickr user VancityAllie via cc

I can be reached by e-mail at lisa_noble@kprdsb.ca. I tweet at @nobleknits2, and the class hashtag is #laclasseaqm.

Our big word in terms of learning this year at QM is WHY?  (POURQUOI?) Be sure to ask your kids why they’re learning what they’re learning (and, if you like, share the conversations in the comments)

Class Updates:

Grade 7/8: The 5-card flickr stories were amazing. I’m always kind of delighted by the fact that we can put 5 random pictures up on the board, and the students come up with 25 completely different stories. Ask your kid about his or hers; and I guarantee that we couldn’t write like this when we were in grade 7 or 8. They’re so talented! We’ll head into some Olympic activities toward the end of this week (we might be really good at navigating around Sochi by the end of the Olympics).

Grade 6/7: More great 5-card flickr stories here. This class will be doing some Olympic activities as well.

Grade 5/6: Students brainstormed an amazing bunch of “phrases bizarres” (crazy sentences) this week, and then were able to try and write some on their own. Working further into our main story in the coming week.

Grade 4:   I’ll leave the Lady Gaga version of our story up for your enjoyment. Ask your kids to do a bit of the play. We’ve also started our own song to go with the play, and you’ll be hearing lots of it in the weeks to come, I’m sure.

Gesture vocab with english 

In all classes, 10 minutes or so each day of reviewing new vocabulary at home (or review vocabulary right now) is very helpful. Let your kids teach you what they’re learning!

Instrumental music update: Every day (except Tuesdays) are open sign-out days – that means that anyone can take their instrument out after school. No class has first priority. Please encourage your child to bring their instrument home, as practice is one of the only ways to keep improving.

Band is up and going again on Wednesday mornings, at 8:10 (doors open at 8:00). All Grade 7 and 8 students are welcome, even if they didn’t play in band before Christmas. Practice is even more important for students who are playing in band, as we will be looking at some more complex material this spring. We also practice on Day 1 and 2nd break. For students who cannot practise at home, the music room is open Day 3 at 2nd break for practice time.

Documents for download:

intro letter and e-mail request

instrument sign-out letter

self-assessment wheels (ask your Grade 6-8 student about them)  A2 Handout – FR a1-handout-fr

Important dates:

February 19: report cards go home.

Trivia Questions:

1. Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé  le 1er février, 1960, à Greensboro, North Carolina? Clue

2. Combien d’athlètes est-ce qu’il y a sur l’équipe canadienne Olympique à Sochi? Qui va porter (carry)  le drapeau canadien vendredi? clue

Web: So much fun stuff this week, with the SuperBowl underway. The ads are a great way to look at media literacy with your kids…including how much they cost. If you’re not one of the 33 million who have seen this, here’s Puppy Love, which seems to be a favourite.

And if you’ve got younger ones at home, or you’re just a Neil Gaiman fan like me, here he is reading Green Eggs and Ham for a good cause

Book: Not a book this week, but the trailer for a movie from a book, because it’s really all the YA types are talking about. TFIOS (ask your Grade 7/8 kids) will not come out until June, but the trailer made us all weep this week (note: there is a sexual relationship in the book, which is reflected in the trailer). I’ve also included a gorgeous response to the trailer by a young woman. This is the kind of use of the web I’m encouraging in the kids I teach.

Music: Pete Seeger died last week, and he was a musical icon for me. The kids in Mr Lush’s class will be doing some listening and learning about him on Tuesday. Here’s a link they’ll be looking at. Who do you listen to now that you think might be remembered like this? (and yes, I’ll be asking the kids that, too). I’d put Springsteen on that list, and maybe Gordon Lightfoot, too.

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